Morning Packer or Night Packer?

Since I have been a little girl, I have been a night packer. Not that I was traveling to China or Alaska at age 5, I was just going to pre-school. Regardless, I was ready, like really super ready.  I would have my entire outfit ready to go, and I am talking socks and underwear too, all folded neatly in a pile. And no I don't have OCD. 

Fast forward almost 25 years later, and I am a flight attendant, constantly packing and unpacking  and sure enough, my entire suitcase is packed and ready to go the night before my flight. Even if my flight is at 8 pm, and I am free all day, I pack before going to sleep. You just never know when your alarm won't work, or when the subway will break down, or when happy hour makes you really happy and you find yourself waking up at 5 pm with your head pounding. It's not a proud moment, but it happens.

So why chance it? Why wait until morning to pack? 
This is what happens in the morning: stuff just gets thrown into a suitcase instead of packed 

In my husband’s opinion, it just makes more sense to pack in the morning. WHY BOTHER AT NIGHT HE SAYS? 

First off 'cause I need time to try on every outfit before packing it, right? 

Then, for all the above reasons I mentioned earlier. You just never know how your night will end or how late your morning will go.  

And finally and this is the most important reason: so you don’t forget essential stuff, like socks, underwear, a swimsuit if you are heading to a sunny destination, or perhaps a coat if you are heading to a ski resort. Trust me when you are rushing, you make mistakes. I have seen too many people landing in NYC in the middle of a blizzard with no coat and flip flops. I am sure those people were morning packers ... Just saying ... 
Morning packing VS Night packing 

But to no avail, my husband refuses to pack at night with me when I nicely ask him too. So because I am a travel blogger and I have this great platform, I am taking our "disagreement” to you dear readers and I am counting on all of you to help us. 

And just so we are clear, by helping us, I mean helping me, an by helping me, I mean leaving a long comment below explaining why night packing is the only thing that makes sense. Or if you don’t like to write, a simple comment saying “she is right and you are wrong” will suffice. Or you can even copy and paste if you are super lazy :-)  And remember men ...

And ladies, here are some packing light tips that I use when trying to pack one 22" suitcase for two weeks. I promise it is possible, and worst case scenario, if you end up missing something super essential, like a pair of earrings or another swimsuit, don't panic: Keep Calm & GO SHOPPING :-) 




  1. I was a night packer and became a morning one. The reason? My travels became very frequent (every week!). So packing a Sunday evening for the next morning became a source of stress ��! so to enjoy my weekend till the last minute I started packing in the morning in the same time than the shower and makeup! It became my Monday routine to pack and part of the check out exercice ��! If I miss something I go and buy it ��! For a very organised and a control freak person (me!) it was a good let it go exercise ��!

  2. I always start packing up at night because I always miss a lot of things, and in the morning I fill up my bags like it should be definitely...
    The détails are very important, like (a coat) for exemple in the middle of blizzard etc...
    When u start packing up early, u always add things u would miss: like sunglasses, thoothbrush, etc...
    U r right, Sara ^^

  3. I always start packing up at night because I always miss a lot of things, and in the morning I fill up my bags like it should be definitely...
    The détails are very important, like (a coat) for exemple in the middle of blizzard etc...
    When u start packing up early, u always add things u would miss: like sunglasses, thoothbrush, etc...
    U r right, Sara ^^


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