Your own private island is possible

When I flew to Palau, I didn't have specific expectations. I knew it was going to be pretty 'cause I had seen pictures and I also knew it was going to be fun 'cause one of my best friends Samantha was going and she is the most chill person I know.
Sam and I 
I was also excited to meet up with some girlfriends from Boston that I hadn't seen in 4 years. Matter of fact Palau was their idea. It was never on my bucket list. Just as having my own private island for two days was never on my bucket list. 

However now I can happily add both to my "Things I Have Done List."

Thanks to Ngellil Island Resort, an eight room tiny resort in the middle of Rock Islands, Angelica, Carla, Cris, Danira, Erica, Samantha and I had our own little private island for 2 days.

We got to kayak to the Blue Caves, snorkel through a World War 2 sunken plane and eat barbecued fresh fish that Gary and his two colleagues fished for us while we were lounging in our hamacs, drinking fresh lemonade and coconut water. Life was perfect. 




Thanks again Gary, Prem and Denny's for a wonderful stay 

Why did I leave again? 

Oh yeah this thing called work that made it possible for me to comfortably fly in Business from New York to Palau for $23 😉 thank you very much 

Live, Love, Laugh & Travel 


  1. Looks like you had a blast on your vacation with your friends. Thanks for sharing your fun moments and the let us know about the beautiful place. is a good medium to book tickets.


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