"Irreconcilable differences"

Yesterday was a perfect day: sun, sun, sun. And no burn. And that I have my colleague Cynthia to thank for. If you want to tan but not turn into a tomato, buy coconut oil.

But no this post is not about coconut oil and my perfect tan. It is about a crazy man.

As I was soaking in the sun in Mumbai yesterday, I couldn't read on my Ipad because of the reflection, so since I get bored easily and I was sick of reading the stupid dating advice on ELLE, I ventured to reading the local newspaper and here was the title of the article:"Wife wearing shirt, pants, no ground for divorce: HC."

Obviously I am not surprised that the judge dismissed the case, but the fact that someone would go to court to try getting a divorce on those grounds was just mind boggling to me. But there is even more.

"If the wife wears shirts and pants to work, returns home around 10 pm and goes out of station for work after a month of marriage, then it doesn't amount to mental cruelty to husband" said the Bombay High Court.

This guy was claiming mental cruelty because of his wife's "crazy" behavior.

It made me curious. Why did people really divorce? Was it for reasons as crazy as this Indian men?

Cheating used to be number one. But not anymore.

Now people are splitting up because of what they like to call "irreconcilable differences." What does
it mean? Well not much, but it sounds better than "I divorced because he never put the forks where they belong in the kitchen draw," doesn't it?

All of this stuff below falls into irreconcilable differences:

In-Laws & Extended Family Involvement
Balance Between Home & Work
Communication Patterns
Sexual Intimacy
Personal Habits & Idiosyncrasies
Sharing Household Responsibilities
Outside Friendships
Political Views
Debt Difficulties
Disciplining Children

Basically normal stuff you deal with and should agree on or agree to disagree on at least BEFORE getting married, not while filing for a divorce.

What is the craziest divorce story you have heard? And no you cannot use my Indian guy. He will be MY top story forever and ever, unless you find a woman who files for divorce because her husband is wearing a dress -:) then you win!

For more of my not so blonde random thoughts, don't forget to follow me on FACEBOOK.



  1. I think it's ridiculous, too! Divorce has become this EASY way out of relationships, thus making marriage something that isn't as valued as it once was... It's quite sad, really. :(


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