Venitian Boy was wrong

I don't do much research when going on vacation, I like to wander ... But when I am traveling for work, I do a lot of research. How else could I pack in 24 hours what people do during a week? 

When in Prague for the first time, I literally walked until my feet blistered so bad that they were bleeding the next day ... and when I flew back from my first Maui layover, I was literally applying aloe vera to my face and body every 15 minutes. Perhaps yoga on the beach, swimming, paddle boarding and snorkeling was a bit too much for my very white skin in one day :-) Needless to say, I can pack in a lot in 24 hours. 

However, even I doubted my capacity to see everything I wanted to see in Venice. There was just too much, especially since not only did I want to hit the monuments, but I wanted to enjoy sunset on a rooftop a friend recommended and tour this amazing palace that my friend Eileen was raving about. Even the local Venitian I was chatting with on the bus said there was no way I could do all that in one day. But then again he was trying to convince me to go with him to the beach instead so maybe that's why he said my plan was impossible. Well Venitian boy was wrong. I hit every spot on my list and here is how. 

I bought the vaporetto all day pass for 20 euros - best investment I ever made - and took the vaporetto to Ponte de Rialto. Once I got off, I just followed the signs PER S MARCO. I was going to follow my paper map, but there were too many amazing buildings and gondolas passing by in the canals for me to stay glued to my map and trust me you will end up in Piazza San Marco, one way or another. I did. The walk took me about 25 minutes and that includes at least 100 pictures :-)

Once there and after fighting with millions of tourists to take a picture of the Basilica di San Marco, I crossed the beautiful Ponte dei Sospiri and just stopped for a moment to take in the magnificent church of San Giorgio Maggiore located  across from the canal.

I then got on the vaporetto and crossed the canal to visit Dorsoduro. My first stop was the Basilica di Santa Maria del Salute. Free entrance and no lines. Really Beautiful.

I then strolled/got lost through beautiful - and empty - streets and bridges and this might have been my favorite part.

It was so peaceful and a nice change from the very busy San Marco area. No one spoke English, which was also a nice change, and when I arrived to my destination, Squero di San Trovaso, I even got to practice the few Italian words I knew while watching gondolas being built. Super cool gondola workshop from the 1600 and hot men working shirtless: what else could I ask for? Maybe a Venetian ancient palace and that's exactly what I got. But check out the gondolas first -->

The Aman Hotel located on the other side of the Grand Canal was my next stop. By then I had lost my map, so I just walked towards the water until I found a vaporetto stop and took the water taxi from Rezonnico back to Rialto to get to my destination ... And OMG, there are no words to describe how beautiful and elegant the Aman Hotel is. I will let the pictures do the talking, and the manager Giuliana is just a sweetheart.

I should have left after my beautiful tour since I was running out of time and still had things to see, but I couldn't not have a drink in the beautiful Aman garden overlooking the Grand Canal. Plus Giuliana insisted -:) not that I needed any insisting anyways.

I had a quick and fabulous drink and then headed to Basilica dei Frari for a few more pictures. I only stayed 15 minutes because the sun was starting to set and I had to get all the way to Giudeca. 

I got on the vaporetto and luckily found the Hilton Hotel pretty easily since it is the only massive building in Giudeca.
I took the elevator to the 8th floor, and wow: breathtaking sunset just like I was promised, and the drinks were good too.

Unfortunately a private event was happening that day and no food was being served, meaning my plan to eat there was shot and there was no way I was going to bed without dinner, no matter how tired I was. Thankfully while walking back to the vaporetto stop to get back to mainland, I came accross Cipriani and decided to splurge in dinner while taking in the beautiful views of a lit up Venice across the canal.

I know it sounds like a lot, but it only took me 13 hours to accomplish all of this and I didn't even walk fast. I will admit though: I did run in order not to miss the water taxi to Giudeca. I just couldn't miss the sunset, could I?  -:)

Live, Love, Laugh & Travel


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